Chris and Goran's Keyword research Blog

Chris and Goran are the owners of Keywords Analyzer ( ) Chris wrote the Keyword Master's Course, dealing with Keyword Research techniques and PPC Search engines. The blog is there to air views on internet marketing, keyword research techniques and tips for better performing software tools.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Minor Update 4.38 - Google Bids

Hi everyone

Google changed some coding in the last couple of days
on their bids, which meant we had to do likewise.
Update available here


  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger Isabelle said…

    Google bids returned zero for me again after I used the new version. It worked for a couple of days. Did anyone else have the same experience?


  • At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Chris,

    Due to a few Google changes you had to update KA for its Google bids a couple of times on a row. After updating it to version 4.38 I still (or again) experienced Google bids problems.

    After your 4.38 update notification I found out there was another update (4.39) a few posts below, called “Google Bids problem - fix now available”, which in my opinion is not very obvious to find. Could you please post new updates on top of the previous ones calling them by their name (i.e 4.39 update).

    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Peter Noppen

    PS I am really looking forward to the new version 5.

  • At 10:35 PM, Blogger Isabelle said…

    I updated to 3.39 and it still doesn't work. But, other than that, I'm very happy with this product and is looking forward to version 5.


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