Chris and Goran's Keyword research Blog

Chris and Goran are the owners of Keywords Analyzer ( ) Chris wrote the Keyword Master's Course, dealing with Keyword Research techniques and PPC Search engines. The blog is there to air views on internet marketing, keyword research techniques and tips for better performing software tools.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Minor Update 4.25

This update fixes a problem that cropped up today with Google Campaign links
not showing properly - evidently Google have been tinkering again. This
should solve it - pick it up on the Customer Updates page.

Support notice - campaign links not showing

We have been made aware this evening of an issue that campaign links
are not showing at the moment in KA 4.24.

We are aware of this and are working on a solution. We will keep you
posted as and when it is resolved.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Update - Keywords Analyzer 4.24

Yet again we find ourselves having to cater for Google shenanigans.

As I said in my last posting - if you suddenly find an issue with KA
functionality, check here first - I will post as soon as I am aware of something.

Back to the customer updates page to pick up 4.24. To ensure that you do
not open an old cached version of this page, hold down the CTRL key when
you open it and you will get the latest version.

New issue picked up (4.23)

It's just come to my attention that now the results are not showing in
4.23 - please bear with us; it will be something to do with Google who
seem to be rewriting their programs at the moment. We know about
it and will come up with the update soon.



Sunday, October 16, 2005

Yet Another Update - Ver 4.23

Well, that's a record. Three updates in a week; Google seem to have
been messing around with their programming this week, which
has seen peculiar things happening in KA.

This update corrects the results not showing, which started happening
a couple of days ago - we're now up to 4.23

Pick it up at: Customer Updates

Also - if you encounter problems in future, could you check the blog
first before emailing us. If we are aware of something and are working
on it, I will post here and tell you. Otherwise, what happens is we get
hundreds of emails, which I don't respond to, as that takes too much
time - and so people think we're ignoring them...and get upset :-(

Finally, please keep a copy of your reg. key - and if you need to get it
from us, please send us the date on which you purchased KA and
the email address you used for delivery.