Chris and Goran's Keyword research Blog

Chris and Goran are the owners of Keywords Analyzer ( ) Chris wrote the Keyword Master's Course, dealing with Keyword Research techniques and PPC Search engines. The blog is there to air views on internet marketing, keyword research techniques and tips for better performing software tools.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Keywords Analyzer Ver 4.02 launched

We launched this week, so it's been busy.
Keywords Analyzer Ver 4.02 has a new interface with a lot more features, including FindWhat functionality.

But being new, it may bring up a few questions, so feel free to post them here and I'll get back to you with the answers.

Keyword Research - the most misunderstood and critical element of search engine placement

I was astounded at how few people seem to understand how fundamental keyword research is to getting a website into a decent position on the search engines.

So I wrote the Keyword Master's Course to show people step-by-step how to go about the entire process.

I get a lot of people asking me about elements of the course, the research process and keyword research tools and thought it would be a good idea to set up a blog to air these things in public.