Chris and Goran's Keyword research Blog

Chris and Goran are the owners of Keywords Analyzer ( ) Chris wrote the Keyword Master's Course, dealing with Keyword Research techniques and PPC Search engines. The blog is there to air views on internet marketing, keyword research techniques and tips for better performing software tools.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

AdWords landing page mayhem...

What's going on? - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer: "I have logged in to adwords this morning (11 July - UK time) to find about 50% of my Adwords campaign keywords inactive! keywords I have had for many many months, some for a year or two which have cost me between 0.03c and 0.20c (all profitable with well above the old minimum 0.5% ctr )have become inactive overnight, the vast majority are $10 to reactivate!!!!! some $5 and odd ones $1" - See forum for response


  • At 8:55 AM, Anonymous SEO Best Tips said…

    I always try to only have 1 or 2 options for the visitor on my landing pages. Don't distract them with a ton of junk/flash/media, keep them making a conversion, or leaving.


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