Chris and Goran's Keyword research Blog

Chris and Goran are the owners of Keywords Analyzer ( ) Chris wrote the Keyword Master's Course, dealing with Keyword Research techniques and PPC Search engines. The blog is there to air views on internet marketing, keyword research techniques and tips for better performing software tools.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

AdWords and Fraud - Google starting to take notice... - Keywords Analyzer forum for Keyword Research

AdWords and Fraud - Google starting to take notice... Keywords Analyzer forum for Keyword Research: "It's baffled me for ages as to how Google seem to have managed to appear
so disinterested in AdWords Click Fraud - for starters, Google probably have the
most aggressive legal team on the planet and they simply put them into
bat every time someone attempts to apply pressure.... Read the post on the forum"

Monday, July 17, 2006

Google AdWords Ad Scheduling - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer forum

Google AdWords Ad Scheduling - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer forum for Keyword Research: "I'm not sure that I see it that way.

Adwords is really about highly targeted niche marketing - whereas TV is a very different distribution method in that available channels are limited and as such distribution value is time dependent - so, if you want all-day media, you will have to pay for it....See the rest in the forum"

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Google AdWords Ad Scheduling - Keywords Analyzer forum...

Google AdWords Ad Scheduling - Keywords Analyzer forum for Keyword Research: "I see that AdWords have developed a new feature for scheduling your Ads to only show at a certain time of the day. Could be useful if your business is local and response oriented to day time trading. Set it up in Campaign settings...See more on the forum..."

Google Quality Score for Adwords Landing Pages - the Issues - Keywords Analyzer forum for Keyword Research

Google Quality Score for Adwords Landing Pages - the Issues : "With the recent changes Google has made to its pay-per-click algorithm -- intended to thwart the misuse of landing pages with little or no real content -- apparently these changes have caused many Google advertising partners to throw their collective hands up in complete disgust. The changes apparently have unintended effects -- or shall I say, effects that were not at all communicated to some of Google's largest ad vendors -- who are now seeing bid prices for Google pay-per-click keywords skyrocket in price. Ouch. You can read the rest of the article here... "

Friday, July 14, 2006

Google Quality Score for Adwords Landing Pages - Keywords Analyzer (Click here for main index)

Google Quality Score for Adwords Landing Pages: "Google Quality Score for Adwords Landing Pages - What it really is.

"Here's my 2 cents gleaned from conversations, research, and experience. I like google and like playing by the rules. We all win that way.

Why the really big jumps in bid prices?" - See the answers on the Forum...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

AdWords landing page mayhem...

What's going on? - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer: "I have logged in to adwords this morning (11 July - UK time) to find about 50% of my Adwords campaign keywords inactive! keywords I have had for many many months, some for a year or two which have cost me between 0.03c and 0.20c (all profitable with well above the old minimum 0.5% ctr )have become inactive overnight, the vast majority are $10 to reactivate!!!!! some $5 and odd ones $1" - See forum for response

Monday, July 10, 2006

Wordtracker - Keywords Analyzer Discussion

Wordtracker - Keywords Analyzer Discussion: "Is it true the wordtracker analyis? when it says your particular search term got 25 hits on the last 24 hours, is it the total searches performed through all the search engines for the last 24 hours."

Friday, July 07, 2006

Adwords & Clickbank - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer (Click here for main index)

Adwords & Clickbank - Adwords Discussions - Keywords Analyzer (Click here for main index): "I have just started using Adwords and I'm testing the waters with a
few test campaigns using Clickbank products. "

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Keywords Analyzer Quick Keyword Research Project Guide

Keywords Analyzer Quick Keyword Research Project Guide: " Finding suitable keywords for web-pages for a website you want to develop.

Objective � Find keywords that are related to one another, that one can develop different content pages, which will rank highly on the search engines...
See the forum to find out how to get those results in a flash...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Keyword Masters Course in Video... - Keywords Analyzer Videos

Keyword Masters Course in Video... - Keywords Analyzer Videos : "You may have read the Keyword Master's Course - but did you know we also produced a video of it? It sells for $44- online, but as a member of our forum you can have access to it with my compliments." To access the video free, just join us on the forum - we'd like to see you here...