A busy week of launches ahead...
Just a quick heads-up as to what everyone (existing customers and non-customers alike) can expect in the coming week...
We're releasing Keywords Analyzer Ver 4.18 on the 1st September - when you visit the Keywords Analyzer site you''ll see a clock telling you down to the second when - and there's a good reason for that...
Here's what's new:
keyword for Broad match, "Phrase match" and [exact match] - this data
will work using your existing Adwords account name and password. (This data
is not visible to us at Keywords Analyzer by the way - the only data that our
server looks at is your registration key - that's it)
Now, there's a catch - if you visit the Keywords Analyzer Site you will find out what it is by following the clock message...
We will also launch our brand-new list of hot high-paying keywords for Adsense - researched by our good selves.
There are over 110 000 of them - keywords worth up to $20 or more.
Release date is provisionally set for Tuesday, but visit the Adsense Dominator site and put your name down and you will be the first to know...
Tags: adsense
google adsense
keyword research
Keywords Analyzer
We're releasing Keywords Analyzer Ver 4.18 on the 1st September - when you visit the Keywords Analyzer site you''ll see a clock telling you down to the second when - and there's a good reason for that...
Here's what's new:
Bids on Google
You can now select whatever combination you want for eachkeyword for Broad match, "Phrase match" and [exact match] - this data
will work using your existing Adwords account name and password. (This data
is not visible to us at Keywords Analyzer by the way - the only data that our
server looks at is your registration key - that's it)
Extra Tools:
We've added two extra keyword tools - one for isolating words common to two lists and the other a deduplication tool that removes duplicates common to two lists.Keyword Discovery
We have added the ability to directly read reports from Trellian's Keyword Discovery tool as well as Wordtracker.Now, there's a catch - if you visit the Keywords Analyzer Site you will find out what it is by following the clock message...
Adsense Dominator Launches...
We will also launch our brand-new list of hot high-paying keywords for Adsense - researched by our good selves.
There are over 110 000 of them - keywords worth up to $20 or more.
Release date is provisionally set for Tuesday, but visit the Adsense Dominator site and put your name down and you will be the first to know...
Tags: adsense
google adsense
keyword research
At 2:12 PM,
Andre said…
Can you tell me if this is an update to your program if I already own it? Is this free for current owners?
Please advise.
Thank you kindly.
Andre Best
At 12:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
"We have added the ability to directly read reports from Trellian's Keyword Discovery tool as well as Wordtracker.
Now, there's a catch - if you visit the Keywords Analyzer Site you will find out what it is by following the clock message..."
I think I must have checked this link out too late, as there's no countdown. Chris, could you post a comment here and tell me what the catch was (I hate missing out on things!)
At 5:07 PM,
Chris Lee said…
Hi Andre
Sorry for delay - I'm travelling away from home at the moment - the answer is yes, it is free for existing owners.
Matt>> It was a countdown to launch clock emphasising the increasing price to $97 as of 1st September.
At 3:29 PM,
Andre said…
One more simplistic question...
How do I get the upgrade for existing owners? My version is 4.0.2 - did I miss out on an upgrade email?
Please advise.
Thank you kindly.
Andre Best
At 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have recently come across your web site. This sounds almost too good to be true! I am in the process of completely rebuilding my site and you will make a great fit.
I do have a question for you. What OS platform can I run this software on? I prefer macOS, will this work?
Mark Notz
p.s. Have you come across any great (free) page analyzers? I can do a BBedit count but I would like a more automated method.
At 9:08 PM,
Chris Lee said…
Hi Mark,
KA is configured for PC Win O/S, not Mac, but will run on Mac with PC emulation software. Can't help you on the free page analyzers I'm afraid, but a google search should reveal something.
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