Safe Keyword Research - steering clear of Search Engine Problems
Over the last few months, search engines, notably
Overture and Google have begin restricting IP's or possibly
even banning IP's of users querying their data with
automated tools.
I've written a free report called Safe Searching, dealing
with the various strategies you can use to stay on the right
side of the search engines.
Download How to Avoid Getting On The Wrong Side Of The Search Engines here.
It's a PDF file, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat reader to read it.
Overture and Google have begin restricting IP's or possibly
even banning IP's of users querying their data with
automated tools.
I've written a free report called Safe Searching, dealing
with the various strategies you can use to stay on the right
side of the search engines.
Download How to Avoid Getting On The Wrong Side Of The Search Engines here.
It's a PDF file, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat reader to read it.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Chris,
I have read your pdf report on "steering clear of Search Engine Problems",and found it to be most helpful.
After I had continued my research connecting through a proxy server using Ghostsurf,I am still experiencing some problems!
Here they are:
"Simple Search"....about half way through,it seems to run out of steam!It stops returning any numbers as regards "Results" and "R/S"
"Advanced Search"....returns full set of numbers as regards "Searches",but again,it stops returning any numbers to do with "Results" and "R/S"
"Google Related Terms"....returns information as regards "Searches",but no info as already mentioned concerning "Results" and "R/S".
In order to do a "Google Related Terms" search,one is required to enter one's username and password.I have done this by entering them via "Settings".
Would using the "Google Related Terms" facility work anyway while connecting via a proxy server?Does not using a proxy connection keep any personal identity as well as my IP address secret?(Which,by the way is the whole point of the excercise!)
Maybe in order to do a "Google Related Terms" search,I should have to do it through a direct connection instead of via proxy in order to do this particular search successfully?
Any thoughts on these issues?
PS:This seemed to be the most logical place to ask,as it does concern using the software that you mentioned in your article.
At 9:48 PM,
Chris Lee said…
I have tried to emulate the problem without success.
First question - did you paste the proxy settings, IP:, Port:7212 into Settings>Proxy and have you set Ghostsurf to Secure?
Re: Password requirement for Google related terms - Google's requirements on this have changed. Originally no password was required, then it was, and now I believe it is not again - so you should be able to search related terms without password.
At 9:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Chris,
Sorry about the delay in replying,I have had some problems with my computer,and have only now managed to get it up and running again.
According to my understanding,after having read the help files,I thought that I did not need to enter the proxy and port settings because that was done automatically on start up!Having said that ,I remember seeing that these settings were not there when I was using Ghostsurf as a proxy connection.I did not bother to enter these settings because I was pretty sure that I did not have to,but there was an element of doubt and confusion in my mind!
I am wondering if this whole problem was due to some kind of virus/worm/software nasty because I kept getting a page from Google saying that they think that I may have a virus/spyware on my computer.At the time,and after running a scan(s) on my machine,I came to the conclusion that I did not have anything untoward on it,and that the error message that Google were giving was basically their way of saying:'we know you are using automated search software,and we don't like it,so we are gonna ban you temporarily for using said stuff,so there!'
I will have another go some time over the weekend,and see how things work out.
I will let you know how it turns out.
At 9:40 AM,
Chris Lee said…
Hi Rick,
I'm almost 100% sure that the problem is that you did not put the IP into Proxy in KA.
We're also working on a few other "workarounds" which I won't elaborate on which will improve the situation.
At 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Chris,
I have been busy still trying to iron out a few irritating probs with my computer.
Yes,I think you are right.
I think that I have goofed up big time!
Sorry if my mistakes have wasted your time.
But it sounds like my experiences may have helped in some small way in you and Goran improving your product and making it even better than what it already is.
I will have another go and see how I get on.
Thanks for your help and support.
PS:I am not sure what to input in the:Proxy authentication username and password fields in Keyword analyzer
At 4:33 AM,
Chris Lee said…
That's what we're here for Rick.
Leave the username and password fields blank.
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